Your holistic resource and logistics solution, based in Klipheuwel, Western Cape.

Driven by Quality, Integrity and Commitment for more than 50 years.

A brief history

Our proud history dates back to 1964, when the legendary Fanie Visser founded Fanie Visser Vervoer. A well-known entrepreneur in the Western Cape, Fanie built the company on strong family values such as quality, service excellence, reliability, accountability and efficiency.

Pieter Visser, Fanie’s youngest son, purchased the company in 1994 to continue the family legacy. With his dynamic disposition, fresh outlook and the support of his team, Pieter grew the company to increase its footprint in South Africa and its neighbouring countries.

Since then, Pieter and his team have gained valuable experience and undergone many changes in corporate and management structure to adapt to an ever-changing economy – while staying true to the core values that form the foundation of their success.

Father and son shaking handsPeople standing in the formation of 50

The heartbeat of Tip Trans

Tip Trans Group identified a group of team supervisors for training on skills they will require on their leadership journey in the various companies.


Each employee gave six Saturdays of their personal time to receive training on:

Introduction to Practical Supervision

Listening Skills

Interpersonal Skills



Controls and Performance Feedback

 Tip Trans Group is proud to contribute to the development and enablement of its future leaders.

our core values


We are accountable for each other through mutual respect and to work together as a team to improve the lives of our fellow employees and clients.

Personally, we build trust with our fellow employees and clients to enhance our business on all levels.

Continuous Improvement

We strive to continuously improve our service delivery and offering by adapting our focus and offering, taking into account the ever-changing environment of the world of business and our clients.
Training and development of our employees:
- We are creating a culture of questioning our fellow employees and relevant stakeholders to ensure we stay relevant and make an even bigger difference to all stakeholders.
- The company has a policy to enhance the skills of their employees through continuous learning and development. We also embrace the upliftment of the lives of the independence of our employees, where relevant.We value our employees and therefore have a culture of investing in them to better their skills through continuous learning.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect amongst our employees and towards our clients is not negotiable as we embrace a pleasant and supportive workplace.


We strive to do things right the first time with maximum efficiency and cost effectiveness for the benefit of our company.


We act in a professional manner by enhancing reliability, consistency and honesty.

Quality Of Service

We render a high quality of service by delivering the promised service dependably and accurately.


By meeting client expectations in terms of consistent and dependable service delivery at all times.


We have the ability to effectively adapt to change in our industry and the needs of our clients.

Attitude of Appreciation

To constantly express our gratitude towards our fellow employees and family to celebrate our success and thankfulness for and appreciation of the big and small things in life.

Good Governance

Affirmative Action

Tip Trans accepts that there is a need to implement comprehensive affirmative action strategies and invest in human resource development which arises from the need for political, economic and social transformation of the South African society. Tip Trans’s affirmative action policy is inspired not only by what it regards as an ethical imperative in its corporate culture but also as a strategy to survive and thrive in the new South Africa.  The strategy that is adopted aims to eradicate all forms of discrimination.  It emphasizes the development and investment in human resources and ensures that the economic opportunities in society are available to everybody, while Tip Trans gains a competitive advantage from the talents and energy of all members of the labour force.

A woman in a truck driver seat

Tip Trans is an employer of people in the vicinity of Transport Solutions and will continue to generate employment with an emphasis on equal opportunity, job advancement and promotion on merit, irrespective of race or gender. We aim to empower people to become more productive so that they might contribute more fully to the economic growth of the economy.

With its affirmative action strategy, Tip Trans aims to identify and remove all discriminatory practices in the workplace and to be more proactive to enable the organisation to change with the environment and to avoid change being forced upon the company by legislation.

Health & Safety

Tip Trans is committed to the moral, legal and financial responsibility to protect and safeguard its employees and other persons affected by their activities, against occupational risk to their health or safety arising from any of the operations associated with the business of the Company.

A group of people in front of a bus

Tip Trans strictly complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 (NOSA) and ensures that all managers and employees, including Contractors and Visitors have a shared responsibility for contributing to the health and safety of all persons in the workplace.

For example, we value our employees who are exposed to the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the transport industry, we provide education, voluntary access to clinics and prophylactics to drivers.

Tip Trans strictly adheres to all onsite Health & Safety regulations imposed by our clients.

Social Responsibility

Tip Trans is deeply and fully mindful of the urgency and vastness of social needs in South Africa and will at all times endeavour to be a good corporate citizen in this regard as is evidenced by our Company Vision and the maintaining of our intellect-intensive.

A young child wearing a hat

Tip Trans is a knowledge and intellect-intensive people-driven enterprise. We are also very proud of our South African roots and are committed to the extension and enrichment of the vast body of knowledge that has accumulated in and around the transportation services industry.

Our direct social investment strategies revolve around initiatives that will yield the intellectual empowerment of South Africans that are to be globally sought-after participants in our industry and thus enhance the intellectual competitiveness of our country. Our indirect social investment will be dealt with on an ongoing basis but will always be people-centered.

Tip Trans is committed to progressive transformation, as long as it is undertaken in the correct manner and we align ourselves with the BEE and EE strategies of our country. Tip Trans endeavours to channel services through BEE and specific SMME organisations where feasible. Tip Trans also commits to the distribution of consulting revenues to black transportation services alliances and business partners.

With regard to Equal Employment, Tip Trans believes in the ultimate goal of economic empowerment and has prioritised a representative population within our group in order to develop an organisation that supports the equality of all South Africans.

Our Accreditations

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Wayne Taljaard
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